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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/22/2017 in Posts

  1. By the way, you were paying them to teach you, not to punish you. Again, donkey balls
    1 point
  2. Well they can say they are THEEE BEST all they want but what's their pass rate for students on the national registry? that's the proof if they are the best. If their students can't pass the registry then they haven't done their job. Again, if they make you do push ups and other physical punishment because of someone else's issue, that's douchbaggery 101, it sounds like they are modelling it after boot camp. YOu aren't paying money to the school to help them discipline someone else. But you are in it now so play along with the pseudo-drill sergeants and if the troublemakers keep making trouble, it might be time to have a come to jesus meeting with them.
    1 point
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