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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/29/2015 in Posts

  1. Hey guys! I wanted to introduce myself before I started commenting on streams, helping on or asking questions and before I started sharing or commenting on shared stories and experiences. I am introducing myself because I would love to be a part of this site and to get full advantage from it. I am a relatively new medic - EMR for 1 year and an EMT student shortly and new to this site. Love to learn from other peoples experiences and to apply their knowledge to my own. I am technically a new medic but have been in the field as a volunteer since I was 12 and grew up with Doctors and other EMS. Would love to exchange stories, experiences and questions! Don't be afraid to reach out. Let's have those conversations that we are dying to tell to our friends but don't because it would either terrify, disgust, or freak them out!
    1 point
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