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Help my hubby had a SZ


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Who said this guy had a fever? His temp was 99-100. This is normal diurnal variation in temp. A fever is anything 100.4 and over. People probably have not asked about vitals because we are still collecting the history. Something that might be helpful in this case is a picture. Is there anyway you can do this without giving the case away? Unfortunetly, when described with words a lot of rashes sound identical, but when you see them, well, a picture is worth 1,000 words.

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I think the above poster got it.

after reading some more responses - I say Chicken pox Any childhood history of chicken pox?

How sick did this guy eventually get?

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I think the above poster got it.

after reading some more responses - I say Chicken pox Any childhood history of chicken pox?

How sick did this guy eventually get?

Playing devil's advaocate, if you are thinking chicken pox, are you also thinking small pox? If not, why not?

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Ok lets see the v/s are 86-90/50's, pulse in the 110's resp 12-18 and spo2 around 94%.

Pt states he had chicken poxs as a kid. He tells you the only thing different is that he was taking the new med for his SZ and started getting this rash and blisters. He went to his doctor and thought it was some type of infection and put him on bactruim.

there is some rash on his feet but not as much as the trunk and hands. The sores are in and around his mouth and he states that his food intake is a little less than normal due to the blisters. The rash areas remind you of a target or bulls eye in appearance. He also had some blisters that have ruptured during the sz and it the skin under is pink and reminds you of a 2 degree burn.

Now I have given you alot of stuff. This will more than likely give it away.


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