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11 year old DUI?

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Hey y'all I am 30 years old and very set on becoming a EMT and possibly a paramedic later on. The problem that keeps playing in my mind is will my 11 year old DUI effect my career or hinder my application when applying for a job? I have not had even a traffic violation since. Any info would be greatly appreciated thanks.

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So, here's a thought, one that you might want to think about. 

I have a Misdemeanor conviction from 1986.  I plead guilty, paid fine, went on my merry way. 

Was told that it didn't show up anymore after 15 or more years.  So color me surprised when.... about 4 years ago, had a job that I really wanted, they did a background check,  and guess what showed up.  Yeppers, that conviction.  Thank goodness I put down the info about the conviction otherwise I would have lost out on the job.  

Just be careful about not telling an employer about convictions that you don't think will show up sometimes will and if you lied about them on your application and they find out you lied - your job is history.  Word to the wise. 

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