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Update in NY State Protocols

Richard B the EMT

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NY State EMS Council Delegate’s Report
May 24-25, 2016
By: Thomas Lateulere
SEMAC is reviewing literature documenting promising news about nebulized magnesium sulfate for the
treatment of adult patients with asthma. Note that there is more literature review necessary before considering
protocol revisions.
The “Alternate Formulary TAG” will issue its revised recommendations at the September 13-14, 2016
SEMAC Advisory 02-02 regarding AEDs for pediatric patients is now outdated and can be rescinded. Pediatric
defibrillation with an AED is covered in the appropriate clinical protocol. SEMAC Advisory 97-03 regarding
hyperventilation in severe brain trauma is under review and STAC has been asked to provide guidance. BLS
Protocols T-5 and SC2 will be modified to remove references to MAST.
MAST has been removed from the NY State BLS Protocols. A protocol revision is forthcoming that will state
that for unstable pelvic fractures, a pelvic immobilization device should be used. SEMAC Advisory 97-04
regarding MAST is rescinded.
An update to the Syringe Epinephrine Kit (SEK) Program was provided. All 18 regions have endorsed this
program; 382 agencies statewide have registered thus far; 4,000 BLS providers have been trained; and 1,974
SEK have been distributed. To date, there have been 11 uses so far with 0 protocol violations. SEMAC, the
Bureau of EMS and the pilot demonstration project administrator and medical director will be meeting with the
NY State Health Commissioner to discuss changes in scope of practice. Ms. Burns revised the State DOH
position released after the March meetings, now stating the DOH’s position that there is no need for
participating agencies to purchase/replace epinephrine auto-injectors, however, un-expired kits should remain
on ambulances as a safeguard against technical failure of drawing up medicine, or in cases where there may be
multiple patients.
The Bureau of EMS reported that they have begun printing EMT cards in house, significantly reducing the time
frame between the NY State written exam and receiving the certification card. It is expected that EMT cards
will be received within 12-14 days after taking the exam.
The Test Item Committee, including Suffolk County’s Matt Zukosky, has completed their work, culminating in
the adoption of 250 new questions that will be added to the test bank over the next 6 months.
The Bureau of EMS reported the following written exam results for newly certified providers from this past
year: 1419 people taking the CFR exam; 92.8 % pass rate; 3569 people taking the EMT-B exam; 89.41% pass
rate; 37 people taking the AEMT exam; 79.1% pass rate; 54 people taking the EMT-CC exam; 95.1% pass rate;
and 558 people taking the EMT-P exam; 88.6% pass rate.
NY State EMS Council Delegate’s Report – Page 2.
May 24-25, 2016
By: Thomas Lateulere
Congratulations go out to Tom Lateulere for his appointment as Chair of the SEMSCO’s Education & Training
New National Registry psychomotor skills testing process is under review for adoption in NY State.
CIC Renewal Requirement that candidates are actively providing patient care has been amended as follows: For
CIC whose CIC certification is expired for more than 2 years seeks recertification; he/she must document active
participation providing patient care on an ambulance. This effectively removes the actively riding requirement
for CICs that continue teaching but are no longer riding members of an ambulance service.
A TAG has been established to review the NY State EMT-CC curriculum as compared to the National AEMT
The recently revised instructor renewal process is underway, with a small contingent of instructors statewide
completing the process. Several issues have been identified and additional guidance forthcoming.
Ms. Burns reported that the Bureau has filled 3 supervisor positions across the state. Congratulations to long
time EMS Representative Rich Robinson, who takes over leadership of the MARO Office, which includes
Suffolk County. It was also reported that Ms. Linda Tripoli, the Trauma Program Manager, has accepted
another position within the DOH, and a replacement is expected soon.
Regarding modifications to NY State Regulation Parts 800 and 80, progress has been made, modified language
currently under review by the Bureau of Legal Affairs.
Ms. Burns reflected on this year’s EMS Memorial Ceremony (May 17th) thanking all those that participated,
stating that there was a record number of ambulances on the plaza, EMS providers present, and elected state
officials present.
The MOLST form and process is undergoing a transformation into the electronic world. EMS providers need to
be prepared for the release of eMOLST, with further information released as it becomes available.
The Bureau is working with other key stakeholders and putting together a focus group from fire service,
ambulance service, hazmat, public health and law enforcement to enhance NY State Department of Homeland
Security and Emergency Services Training Center in Oriskiny, NY.
An EMS Systems Safety TAG has completed its work on recommendations for ambulance construction, which
will lead ultimately to revisions to Part 800 and the CON/TOA TAG completed its work on revising Policy
Statement 06-06. The TAG is now working on revising the policy statement on use of red lights/sirens when
patients are on board.
NY State EMS Council Delegate’s Report – Page 3.
May 24-25, 2016
By: Thomas Lateulere
NY State EMS Award Winners have been chosen from regional submissions. Congratulations to the following
nominees from the Suffolk Region that received the NY State Award: Dr. Scott Coyne (Physician of
Excellence); Connie Kraft, RN (Registered Professional Nurse of Excellence); Bay Shore-Brightwaters Rescue
Ambulance (EMS Agency of the Year); Joshua Lebenns (ALS Provider of the Year); and Tom Lateulere (EMS
Educator of the Year).
The Legislative Committee recommended, and SEMSCO approved a motion to oppose A 3241, which if passed
eliminates the requirement that motorcycle riders and passengers wear helmets.
The next SEMAC/SEMSCO meeting dates are September 13-14, 2016 at the Hilton Garden Inn.

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Sad.  Tom Lateulere was a big name in EMS in NYS and Suffolk County and a great guy.  He passed away about a month ago.


PS-Connie Kraft is a great nurse and I enjoyed working with her during residency.

Edited by ERDoc
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