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Anyone in Huntsville,Scottsboro AL / Northern Alabama who wants to connect?

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Hi all,

I'm a California licensed (and NREMT of course) EMT-B with current CPR, work experienced in the EMS field and first responder team guy who's about to embark on a vacation to northern Alabama - Jackson County - and meet up with friends made online.

While I am there I would like to get together with EMS professionals and maybe connect, have some chat about work there, possibilities, licensing and their pre-requiste, ambulance driver's tests, phlebotomy etc.whatever comes to mind.
Because who knows, maybe I like it that much that I can imagine to relocate and so get a good idea what's going on in my job field of dreams and what to expect re finding employment.

Anyone out there in Scottsboro, Huntsville areas who would like to get in touch here and then in person when I am there mid July?

Looking forward to connect
- Markus

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Not there, but dont leave huntsville without getting a "kitchen sink sandwich" at Stanlieos:


PS: Dont be shocked by the low wages in the southeast, but note the cost of living as well --- what is a $300k shack in California is a mansion in the southeast. I sold my $110k house to a couple from CA a few years ago, they could not believe they were getting a 3k sqft house for that price. Also make sure you stop and eat at Chickfila and Waffle House.

Edited by mikeymedic1984
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