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Non-Fire EMS in the US? German EMT-I Student in need of advice...


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My name is Patrick and I'm a 20 year old EMT-Intermediate student here in Germany.

After finishing my German Baccalaeurate (High School Diploma) this spring I'd like to attend Med. School.

Due to the high entrance criteria over here I'll need to wait a couple of years in order to get in.

Now I'm thinking about starting Paramedic training in the US this fall/next spring.

I'm thinking of a 2+2 program which would entitle myself to work as a Paramedic after the first 2 years...

2nd half could be pre-med school curriculum.

Before Med School I'd love to gain some hands on patient experience, routine and knowledge of a wide scope of practice!

I was recommended to look for a county / state of education where EMS is not the stepchild of the Fire departments ;)

Due to the out-of-state tuition fee I'd like to attend community college for as long as possible!

I was told to look at Wake Tech, NC:


Could you:

- Recommend me a community college in the US where EMS is taught similary?

- Your favourite county where EMS is disconnected from Fire agencies?

- Share your experience with international (German?) EMS students and their performance in EMS Degree Programs?

This summer is fully booked from July 28th to November 3rd as I'm going to backpack around SE-Asia.

Hence programs could start in the end of 2014.

My current plan is to start the German "Rettungsassistent" (very narrow scope of practice comp. to a US-Paramedic) this November.

Maybe your advice makes me change my plans!

Give it a try :)

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- Your favourite county where EMS is disconnected from Fire agencies? Bavaria... ;) Hence programs could start in the end of 2014. My current plan is to start the German "Rettungsassistent" (very narrow scope of practice comp. to a US-Paramedic) this November. You're aware that's the last chance to enter a "Rettungsassistent" course? From January 2015 the new 3-year "Notfallsanitäter" is the only professional education (beside physician) you can start in the EMS field and you have to be associated to an EMS agency for that. What if you're failing med school? You can't use a US paramedic training in germany much (at least legally). But as "Rettungsassistent" you're able to get the "Notfallsanitäter" by taking the state exam within the next seven years. You would be fully certified for german EMS then. Which is pretty promising, the job conditions seem to get much better soon. Depends a bit what you plan in your future. If you want to get a job in the US, then a paramedic license there would be the best choice. If you're just curious about the US and confident to get through med school you may take the cool experience in the states. But If you'd like to stay in Germany for your later life and want to have a fully accepted profession there, maybe the german education would be the better way to go. And starting until December 2014 you have the chance for a shortcut towards the new professional level. Whatever you do, good luck and share your experiences in EMTcity. :)

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If you plan on going back to Germany it seems that the best plan would to be study there. However if you are dead set on coming to the States to get your Paramedic there are many programs that teach strictly EMS and are not in combination to firefighter training. I think throughout the States you will find independent (strictly EMS nothing else) EMS services that are either hospital, private or municipal.

If your goal is to be a Paramedic with clinical skills perhaps a hospital based ambulance would be the best option. One where you still run emergency (911) calls and then sticks around to help out once you get to the hospital. Lots of learning goes on in the ER, remember nurses are your friends.

Honestly I have no knowledge of your EMS system or scope of practice. So maybe EMS in the States is better or maybe not.

I would really think about your future and where you want to end up in the end.

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