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PD Shoots Dog, Ignores Seizure Victim


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A 200lb hog can't be compared to a 200lb, capable human being. We are surely a superior force when it comes to wild hogs.

Dont get me wrong, I know dogs can be incredibly vicious and I know what they're capable of. I think its more a matter of heart, and plain superiority.

Edited by KSL2786
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A 200 lb man is in no way stronger than a hog but the point I tried to make is that dogs are formidable animals. They are capable warriors and can easily injure a human. If you face off a evenly weighted human and wild hog the human will most likely loose. We catch and tie live hogs all the time, but could not do it without the dogs. Dogs are tough and determined animals.

I have no problem with a dog getting shot. Animals only useful for the pleasure and produce they provide for humans. If they deviate from their intended purpose they become useless and often times dangerous.

Edited by DFIB
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Your last two sentences are merely your opinion and not fact... and I strongly disagree with them. They are loyal and as far as that dog was concerned it WAS fulfilling its purpose, protecting its owner (same thing the police were supposedly trying to do). Its unfortunate it had to fall victim to a jack ass cop who didn't have the balls to handle it in a different way.

Edited by KSL2786
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The former part of my post about hog strength and viciousness, is opinion as well and solely based on empirical observation. So an opinion that is quasi-countered by another opinion is sort of like a donkey talking about ears.

I think I will go the way of others. It was nice exchanging opinions with you.

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I dunno if News Robot posted this or not..


So this is probably a homeless man, has a pitbull. The man is having a seizure, and the dog is protecting him. Cops shoot the dog, and the crowd goes nuts. I watched the long version, in nine minutes of footage, not one single person comments about the condition of the seizure patient, and not one single person tries to help. Including the police.

There's one for your duty to act. I know they get a certain degree of emergency first aid training in their academy. Pennsylvania, equally among all Law Enforcement, gets ARC Emergency Responder. Not shocked at all, just pathetic. Damn cop car drivers. :whistle:

As a former cop myself they did right. Shooting the dog, while unfortunate, was necessary for scene safety. Time did not permit animal control responding most likely.

What do you expect the officers to do for the seizure patient? Our first aid is limited to what the American Red Cross is teaching. Their is not much a lay person can do for a seizure patient.

How do you the convulsions weren't caused by something else? Were you there? You are relying on third hand information and don't have all the facts.

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What do you expect the officers to do for the seizure patient? Our first aid is limited to what the American Red Cross is teaching. Their is not much a lay person can do for a seizure patient.

First Aid training includes care for the seizure patient, doesn't matter what causes the seizure, the care is the same at that level. Apparently, First Aid training also includes chest decompressions for Police Officers also. :)

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Good thing you're not one now, I'm recovering from a trip to the bakery, per se. Is this your response as a former cop, or as an EMT?

Don't care either way. I didn't give any opinion on the dog being shot. I'd love to pop off dogs that run and jump up on me. I hate that. Dogs in public should be leashed, so should some small children.

I'd expect the same actions, first aid in nature from a lower-level EMS responder, as I would a law enforcement officer. A reasonable amount of professional care and ethical actions, hopefully with a little compassion, toward the person having the medical problem. It doesn't matter what caused it. Lets say you're dispatched for seizures. You are dispatched to Random Teenager A. Random Teenager B states RT A may or may not have taken an unknown type or quantity of a drug. You almost fall off your pedestal, but catch yourself on your soap box, and take the person.. But you don't do much, because it's just a seizure. What can you possibly do? Or, you could check the patient, and find the patient took a prescribed drug, used a treat a disorder which causes seizures, and being a normal Random Teenager was too embarrassed to tell RT B.

Or maybe it was meth.. or speed, or E... or Weed. Smoke enough, that'll make your world go round, in the opposite direction.

Or maybe it's a diabetic?

I transport a diabetic all the fricken time, probably more than a dozen times a year. Seizures, profound symptoms, respiratory arrest, all common. Last year, used 14 BVM's on 16 transports. Not gonna call in time some day.. But I always at least take the time to make sure that during the insulin OD induced hypoglycemic seizure, and subsequent arrest of breathing... that I do what I can for the patient.

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This thread tickles me. I need to learn how to wrestle dogs apparently. I've owned dogs my entire life. Fuzzy, cuddly dogs (as most people do). From the amount of vicious dogs KSL2786 has wrestled on behalf of an attacked bystander it seems I have a lot of catching up to do.

Wait a second. A 200 pound hog is not as strong as a 200 pound man. I'm 220 pounds, therefore I'm stronger than a 220 pound hog. Now all I need is a conversion from hogs to dogs. I knew I should have brought my cheat sheet.....

Wait... But if I believe I am superior to an animal, then I can wrestle them!!! I'm going to head butt an elephant and kick its butt! HERE GOES!

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Good thing you're not one now, I'm recovering from a trip to the bakery, per se. Is this your response as a former cop, or as an EMT?

Don't care either way. I didn't give any opinion on the dog being shot. I'd love to pop off dogs that run and jump up on me. I hate that. Dogs in public should be leashed, so should some small children.


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Holy crap, how did I miss THIS thread? EPIC!

If someone states that you're not fully comprehending what's being said, there's more to their point than what you appear to be reflecting. Regardless of agreement/disagreement with the points being made by either side. It's not an insult to state that your reading comprehension in this particular thread needs work; it's an observation, made by the individual attempting to communicate something (to no avail, apparently).

Too funny.

Now, let's get to the meat a bit here. KSL2786, have you ever been bitten by a dog that was either intentionally aggressive or reacting due to fear? Have you ever attempted to calm a dog that was not yours (or not familiar to you) in a high stress situation?

While it may be possible to assert control over a familiar animal using physical force, it is much more difficult to do so when the animal does not know you, nor you it.

Is it shitty that the cops ended up shooting the dog? Absolutely. Does everyone involved wish it could have ended differently? I bet you'll find so, here on the City. Nobody likes to hear about a dog being killed.

Does that mean that the cops are unintelligent, horrible people for making that decision? No. When you have a medically compromised individual, someone who's already been bitten, and an aggressively posturing animal, there's not a lot of time to sit and ponder. They responded to what they perceived to be an imminent life threat, by removing the most threatening element in the situation. If some meth-head had come screaming up holding a knife, yelling "banzai, doggie!" they'd have shot the meth-head. See where I'm going with this?

You can Monday morning QB an officer involved shooting all you want, but unless you were actually there you're working off of incomplete data, and should recognize that. Doesn't mean you can't be hacked off that they shot the dog, but it does mean that you're not the end-all-be-all authority on what went down.

Oh, by the way? I'm also 26. I'm also in school. Your writing, compared to mine, sucks. That's not an insult, it's an observation. The way your communication comes across in forum-land (which is not the same as face-time or Facebook, even) makes you sound much less mature than one would expect for a 26 year old. You can either whine that I'm mean, or strive to improve so that miscommunication occurs less frequently in your endeavors here. If you don't explicitly state it or spell it out, people are forced to make inferences and assumptions, which, as the "parents vs. roommate car funny" shows, can completely skew an interaction.



RN-ADN Student

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