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The Kiwi-ERDoc love fest continues


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I went looking on that other website then realised you meant that other, other website

The ketamine trial from Victoria was sponsored by the MAS so that the MAS could justify having some evidence to introduce ketamine to Intensive Care Paramedics routinely for analgesia as before that time it was used only by the MAS Flight Paramedics

The retarded thing is that the trial was done by both MICA and regular Paramedics so even though i oushed heaps of it under the trial i wont get it when it comes online permenantly.

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Working on it chief...

I will get you a big jar of strawberry jam to celebrate but you may end up paying company to one of those wide open spaces with people saying "gosh bushman sure has been a long time gone ... so has my tarp hmm" :D

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Well my super cash cow job didn't pan out, it's not the end of the world but man it was close so I'm having a bit of a spew

Oh well I still reckon my plan to work for a couple years and reduce my student debt significantly is a good idea rather than sit round cranking off until Feb then roll up to med school and end up in my early 30s with 60,000 debt

Time to get destroyed on spewing just a little valiums and sleep a bit ...

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