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Has anyone here taken ABLS (Advanced Burn Life Support)? I finished my online class things at the beginning of the year and I am taking the hands-on testing in May. Does anyone have advice?

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ABLS has not been popular in years due to most of the education and training follows American Burn Association guidelines for prehospital care, ( as a former burn nurse and ABLS instructor) and truthfully there is little care and treatment prehospital care providers can provide in the initial steps.

R/r 911

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i agree R/r

What more other than cover the burn, stop the burning process, provide pain relief, get em to the burn/trauma center and try to fix the concommitant other trauma that often goes with burns.

Airway airway airway. If they have facial burns, you better secure the airway or you are toast. I learned that the hard way, thank goodness I secured the airway prior to leaving the scene or one of the patients I had would have more than likely died.

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I haven't taken the class. But I would add that people should be aware of the burns that may not look bad, but have high morbidity and mortality, and generally should cause you to think about taking someone to a burn center. Off the top of me head:







Those are classic indications. I would also be very worried about electrical burns (ie lightning) where there may be hidden internal injuries.

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Man we don't get anything interesting like that here, just topics in general classes about burn management and airway airway airway as well as analgesia analgesia analgesia and cool cool cool *knock knock knock PENNY Knock Knock Knock PENNY Knock Knock Knock Penny*.

Love to hear how the course goes and what the content is like.


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