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Robert (Rob) Davis

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I knew Rob for many years, only as "DUSTDEVIL". I always enjoyed my on line and pm conversations that we had together. Whether we were talking about military medicine, combat, tac medics or just regular EMS, I always found his comments insightful.

He was a true EMS Professional who believed in trying to advance the EMS profession, and increase training and education for all providers.

His presence on this site will be sorely missed........


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RIP my friend.

I remember when I was a wet behind the ears EMT-B. I took Rob to task once on a topic which now escapes me. He promptly took me behind the woodshed and whooped my ass. After numerous conversations via PM, I understood that he was educating me and we became friends.

I had the opportunity to spend some time with Rob at the first CAP lab that some of the EMT City bunch attended. Great guy and passionate about EMS and medicine in general. We here at "the City" are all better for Rob being a member and providing us with the wisdom of his experience.

I will miss him.

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Like others, I had been thinking in the last few weeks that I should get back to the City and see what's going on.

I hate, hate, hate beyond words that this is what it took to get me back here.

Rob was gracious enough to meet someone he'd never met at an out of the way airport, drive him to CAP 2008, and treated him like an equal. For a reason I'll never understand he LOVED my avatar- said it always made him giggle a little when he saw me post. I still have the Dallas FD shirt he passed out as a gift at CAP, and in fact I was wearing it this past July when I responded to my first fire in my relatively new role as a volunteer firefighter. It became special then, but it's ever more special today.

Like (chuckle) many other Citizens, I got into it with Rob about some of his out-of-the-box ideas for what EMS could and SHOULD be. And like most of those others, I learned something from it, became a better provider, but more importantly he made an advocate for EMS out of me. I think that could be Rob's biggest and most important legacy- the number of soldiers for EMS that he helped develop, 99% of which he never met or will meet.

God speed Rob. Your work lives on, and you will not be forgotten. Kia Kaha.

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I was shocked & saddened to hear about the passing of my friend Rob "Dustdevil" Davis. Rob & me spent a good deal of time talking about life & the issues facing EMS. Rob always challenged me to look at things in a different way, "to think outside the box" if you will. To his family & friends I send my thoughts & prayers.

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what a shocking news topic to hear, rob was not only a friends, ( who could forget those dazzling teeth on his webcam) but someone who enhanced my career and life. A truly sad day, the world has lost one of the good guys, RIP dude, Andy

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Hi gang! Yes, like the rest it was a shock and very sad to hear the loss of a fellow EMS Lifer... We all can agree that Dust (Rob) was unique.. and even if you did not agree with what his comments or ideas, you had to admire and respect that he .. " made you think"!.

We personally chatted several times, and yes agreed on the majority of things as being very seasoned veterans of the EMS system, that so many do not attempt to see the whole picture and to get out of the comfort zone .. "or out of the box". I still have a RedRider sign that he purchased and sent me.. thinking of my nickname.. the other side many did not see.

Rob would love to atagonize posters to make them develop reasoning skills, and then without them even knowing it.. explain and allow them to look at life lessons to make them justify and to makewise and informed personal decisions; based upon their own accordance; not just some protocol(s) or the " we have always donet it" idea...

What a great life lesson teacher.! ...

Dust, your shift is finally over brother; you did us well.....your imprint will carry on....

R/r 911

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