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Professional Courtesy


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Well I guess professional courtesy can go both ways. I heard this on the radio many years ago......

Vancouver, A new RCMP officer pulled over a car on one of the major roadways, went to the drivers side and said you are going 90 in a 80 zone. The driver said I'm sorry sir, I was keeping up with traffic and didn't notice I was over the speed limit. The officer gets all of the drivers information and starts to write a ticket, and saying that the fine was 100.00 and he could pay it at any ICBC office. The driver said "Sir I was only going 10 clicks over and as I said I was keeping up with traffic, could you please reconcider giving me a ticket". The Officer said No and proceeded back to his car. When the officer returned the driver again asked the officer to reconcider giving him the ticket. He again said No and passed the ticket over to the driver. Once done the driver said excuse me sir but here you go and passed the officer a ticket for 10,000.00 for not wearing a saftey vest roadside. The driver was a WCB enforcement officer. :thumbsup:

Im pretty sure in the end both tickets were ripped up

That was classic.

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The moment you come to expect it as a given, it will not be given.

Never expect to get anything for free or discounted due to your work any social status you might hold and when you do get something for free you can be extra surprised.

So don't abuse the privelidge or it likely will get taken away.

Ruff I edited this quote a touch, because it is applicable to so many more things than just PC.

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