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Thoughts and ideas about existence.


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We are not here to merely make a living. We are here to enrich the world, and we impoverish ourselves if we forget this errand. ~ Woodrow Wilson

To start out with, I have no clue if this is a quote by Woodrow Wilson, and I frankly do not care. The content of the quote is what should be discussed. The quote gives a reason for existence, to enrich the world. In my meek world, I question quotes like this, but more importantly, the meaning of existence.

So, the question to be discussed, what is the purpose or meaning of our existence?

This thread is purely an exercise of mental masturbation. I think it would be an interesting discussion topic. I hope others concur.

To start off with, I want to say this without stepping on everyones toes. One answer I do not accept personally for this question is the religious view. This is not to stop those who are religious from joining in on the conversation, but, I ask that we do not simply say in so many words 'we exist for God'. Follow the religious answers up with something of great sustenance. I am willing to explore the area of religion as it applies to this discussion, but, I hope too many do not get pissed off with where it may go. See what I am saying?


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... what is the purpose or meaning of our existence? ....

Okay, I will start.

I think we are here to learn lessons we need to, which didn't take or we didn't learn in previous lives. As in, themes for your life--like hero, builder, analyzer, controller, healer, humanitarian, etc,,,, And we return until we complete these. From there, who knows? We go onto to something further. I think many on this board are these themes. There are others, but I think I am done for now...........

Edited by chaser
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We are here because some simple self-replicating nucleic acid formed on earth some time ago, and through Darwinian evolution an incredible amount of biodiversity arouse. Our purpose in life should be to maximize well-being and foster a rich, peaceful, and advanced human culture and spread well beyond the earth to ensure our eggs are in more then one basket, in order for survival of the human race. Otherwise our demise is rapidly approaching from human war and religious intolerance, asteroids, a pulsar star destroying the ozone, global warming, climate altering volcanic activity, etc.

Edited by daedalus
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Disclaimer- this post is fueled by Vicodin and Flexeril, so here goes...

How did we get here? Simple answer- evolution.

WHY? Well, personally I think to be successful, we need to make a positive impact on someone else in this world. Family, friend, coworker, or even a totally stranger. If we can honestly say we've made a difference in someone's life, then we are winners. In our business, we have the potential to do this on a regular basis, and I think often times we forget how important this is. We get wrapped up in our fancy toys and skills, and sometimes the BEST thing we can do is simply make someone's moment a bit better than it was.

Pretty powerful stuff if you think about it.

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To evolve. We have evolved to what we are and need to continue to evolve on all levels. The next step is to start using and giving to the Earth as it wants and needs. We need Earth and it does not need us, but rather wants us to be succesful in evolving by providing everything we need.

The sun sends energy without wires. The earth gives water without pipes. The earth cleans waste without spoiling itself. We can do better.

Survival right now is a cry of confusion and despair. When survival is a song we all sing together in harmony, I believe we might just make it to the next level or perception. Our children will learn to survive as you might recite your favorite lyrics.



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I think one of the most ridiculous things we do is ask questions like this. It's just so anthropocentric. The centipede and the tree don't ask what the meaning of life is. That being said, I love the discussion. :rofl:

I think our job is to exist, evolve, and most importantly, obey the laws of nature. Every other species does, but somehow we think we are special and can reproduce indefinitely and manipulate our environment to an infinite extent. All creatures affect their environment, but not like we do. We are destroying the biodiversity of this planet while we continue to devolve. *Getting off soapbox.*

One of the most important things I think we can all do is stop defining good and bad. We are so preoccupied with this inane activity, and hell, I do it too sometimes. But recently, when my grandma died, people expressed to me that they were sorry and how it was so "awful." I wasn't sure how to take it. I'll miss her, but she was 92 years old and suffering from late stage dementia. It wasn't GOOD, but neither can I say it was really bad. It just...is. Take a traffic jam as another example. If you sit there and think about how "bad" it is, you will miss seeing it for what it truly is and also miss the opportunity for either introspection, conversation, listening to music, or a million other things. There are so many things in life that we could take so much advantage of if we weren't so caught up in how abstractly good or bad they were. They are. :iiam:

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I think one of the most ridiculous things we do is ask questions like this. It's just so anthropocentric. The centipede and the tree don't ask what the meaning of life is. That being said, I love the discussion. :rofl:

I think our job is to exist, evolve, and most importantly, obey the laws of nature. Every other species does, but somehow we think we are special and can reproduce indefinitely and manipulate our environment to an infinite extent. All creatures affect their environment, but not like we do. We are destroying the biodiversity of this planet while we continue to devolve. *Getting off soapbox.*

One of the most important things I think we can all do is stop defining good and bad. We are so preoccupied with this inane activity, and hell, I do it too sometimes. But recently, when my grandma died, people expressed to me that they were sorry and how it was so "awful." I wasn't sure how to take it. I'll miss her, but she was 92 years old and suffering from late stage dementia. It wasn't GOOD, but neither can I say it was really bad. It just...is. Take a traffic jam as another example. If you sit there and think about how "bad" it is, you will miss seeing it for what it truly is and also miss the opportunity for either introspection, conversation, listening to music, or a million other things. There are so many things in life that we could take so much advantage of if we weren't so caught up in how abstractly good or bad they were. They are. :iiam:

Interesting point of view about right and wrong. I think by the time we are "grown ups", our basic wiring, parents, and life experiences determine what we perceive as being right or wrong. We no longer "think" about the concepts, we simply act, based on our own moral compass.

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Sorry Matt but the Evolution discussion and rationale was allowed so I'm putting my 2 cents in.

I'm a Christian and for you to discount that answer and say that I can't say I was put here to Glorify MY God then this discussion is moot.

But hey, it's your discussion

I do believe that I was put here to Glorify God but I'll go a different route

I am on this earth to do only one thing. To make the people that I come into contact with better than they were before they met or came into contact with me.

With that being said, My niche in this world is to help people and "take care of their health issues so they can lead a better life" I can fix or at least stave off their illnesses (most of the time) and help them. I have a unique area where I make the most difference in peoples lives and that is taking care of their emergency medical needs. I believe that my skills were given to me by God and I just use those skills very well.

Others may not follow my take or they may disagree with my reference to God but that is what I believe.

I can help people or I can get out of the way and let nature take it's course. My choice is to help people and that I do very well.

I hope that my interaction with people leave them "feeling better about themselves" or maybe they say "hey that cracker is crazy"

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All creatures affect their environment, but not like we do. We are destroying the biodiversity of this planet while we continue to devolve. *Getting off soapbox.*

I disagree with this... I do not think we are destroying the planet to the extent that people like to blame humankind for. I do not believe in global warming. I believe that there is a God-planned circle of life. I have watched pine beetles destroy trees as far as the eye can see. I have seen cattle trample the ground so that nothing grows. I have seen grasshoppers destroy miles of crops. They destroy, and make no attempt to change or fix, unlike humans.

Now, back to the original question. I am seconding Ruff's answer. I am here to do the best I can, to make the lives of people that I come into contact with better than they were before they met or came into contact with me.

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I am also bringing God into the equation.

Here's the rub- God is all powerful, omnipotent, and far more complex than humanity can ever understand. Therefore, God speaks to each individual as they need to be spoken to, sometimes overtly, sometimes not so much. Therefore, the way that you conceptualize God may be wholly different from the way that I conceptualize God... and it is very arrogant of me to assume that I can tell YOU how to communicate with God. That my definition is somehow better or more complete than yours. Without the grace of God, as I conceptualize Him, I would not be alive at this moment. (There are many levels to that statement; if you know me, you already know some of the levels.)

We are here to live life to its fullest and to help each other through the journey called life. Each of us has different strengths, a different purpose in life. To ignore that which we are is the ultimate dishonesty.

Existence, no matter how short, is a precious gift that should not be taken for granted or wasted. Live your life as fully as possible, live in an upright fashion that allows you to help others to reach their full potential, and never forget that there is a greater plan, even when you can't see the blueprint lines.


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