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Looking for a quiz


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I need a quiz on Airway management From the LPM, concentration, and 02%

anyone have any suggestions or where i can find one


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I need a quiz on Airway management From the LPM, concentration, and 02%

I'm sorry that this doesn't answer your question. And I may not be clearly understanding what you're looking for, but this seems like one of those things that you really don't need a quiz for. You can either convert LPM to FiO2 or you can't. You can make up the quiz in your head and the results should be the same as any quiz you can find. It's just math, and anyone can make up the problems.

Probably the best thing to do is to simply calculate every LPM through every device and print it on a table chart (like a multiplication table chart) and memorise it. There's only about a dozen possibilities that cover the entire spectrum. Memorise it like you [should have] memorised your multiplication table in elementary school. I don't see any quizzes helping you learn, and more likely they'll just slow your learning process down. By the time you get to the field, you need to have this stuff committed to memory, not having to interrupt patient care to calculate it every time.

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Kiddo there was a post on the facebook fan page for the city that might help you should check it out!

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