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  1. I know a guy who put cribbing under a coworker's vehicle, tucked in close behind each wheel, which resulted in the vehicle being raised a fraction of an inch off the ground. When she came off shift at 1700 that evening, the crew all watched her spin her wheels. Funny as hell. Ingredients: Car Jack, cribbing. Set up time: about 15 minutes. Break down time: about 5 minutes. Harm caused: NONE. This is a classic prank.
  2. The "Friends" episode regarding Phoebe's disbelief in evolution is on TBS right now... heehee. :wink:
  3. Rich...you lift weights?!? Them 12oz curls really slam the biceps! :wink: Just kidding...
  4. I dunno, Quagmire, in the 6 years since my Blazer was built, it has developed several adaptive behaviors to cope with the mountainous terrain around here. Additionally, it has learned how to make fire and can communicate using simple primary number sequences. If that wasn't enough...my Blazer's offspring (what I like to call "Tonkas") show some indications of random mutations including a variety of colors, independant rear suspensions, tinted windows, elongated exhaust systems, and one hybridized gasoline/diesel engine (I call him "Spunky"). And it gets worse! My Blazer is teaching her offspring the same adaptive behavior she learned herself. As soon as their older, I'm going to put the whole litter on ebaymotors.com. And that's only been one generation! Imagine what will happen in another couple of years. I predict the advent of the Borg.
  5. Hmm...good question. I don't honestly know...but probably the nature of emergency medicine makes people fear roving, independent EMT's operating outside the scope of a medical director.
  6. Nice pic. That's a photoshop'd pic of Marcus Ruhl. He doesn't really work out, either. Just injects a crap-load of synthol...
  7. If the instructor is flouting the rest of the state protocols regarding teaching and registering students for the course, what makes you think he followed the rule of providing the students with the state rule book?
  8. Dixie, You've had some tough times. Be proud of your perseverence.
  9. Tibby, So, when exploring the tenants of the Roman Catholic faith, you'll be relying on Webster's Dictionary for the definitive final word on what is and what isn't a Roman Catholic? Gosh, how shortsighted. I don't have a close personal relationship with Deism. I only know what I've read and talked about in my various history and philosopy courses. Feel free to contact the webmaster at deism.com and notify them that they have mislabeled themselves.
  10. Tibby... "Do Deists believe that God created the creation and the world and then just stepped back from it? Some Deists do and some believe God may intervene in human affairs. For example, when George Washington was faced with either a very risky evacuation of the American troops from Long Island or surrendering them he chose the more risky evacuation. When questioned about the possibility of having them annihilated he said it was the best he could do and the rest is up to Providence." From Deism.com...under the FAQ page on defining Deism and its tenants. "Abandoned" is a harsh word and not one I ever heard before when discussing deism...but you can go the site and see what others have written and make your own conclusion.
  11. UMass...that's a very similar idea as deism. The idea of the "watchmaker" god that set everything in motion at the beginning of time. It's most well-known proponent? Thomas Jefferson. Me, I'm agnostic. I believe in evolution. We see random mutation on the genetic level all the time in lab studies. Combine that with environmental pressures and you get genetic adaptation. Behavioral adaptation is a completely different animal.
  12. Well, that's my point. Career medics around here are the rarity. The great majority are volunteer EMT-B's and EMT-I's working for small, single-ambulance towns. Most only get paid when they're actually out on a call and some towns simply don't pay at all. If there was money in it...and God, I wish there was, there would be demand...and if there was demand then there would be insistence on higher education standards. But the reality for us is there is very little money...so very little demand...and we have trouble recruiting and retaining the volunteers with the certification requirements we have in place, as minimal as they are.
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