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Everything posted by BushyFromOz

  1. Then in that case using an estimate is entirely inappropriate
  2. Im sure he read that line on a brochur somewhere
  3. Can i just say i came to this very late but this is one of the best discussion ive seen here for a long time... bless your cotton socks!
  4. I've got malteasers.... anyone want malteaser???
  5. Ah, i didn't notice that.... attempts to stab my calipres into the computer screen and measure things have failed........
  6. Its kind of hard to have a go at this without seeing an ECG, i mean it is possible that the adenosine was given in error. Having said that, the last haemorrhagic stroke i was directly involved in became agitated, B/P went to 240/140, SVT in the 160's, cheyne stoking and then brady'd out to an idioventricular rhythm of 20 in space of about 3 minutes, but that was a very samll time frame in the 2+ hours they had been symptomatic. I have no idea what the territory is on beta blockers / nitrates / anti hypertensives in acute haemorhagic stroke, i imagine that messing with a hypertension thats supporting CPP is counter productive, but that is nothing more than a guess I cant remember what the other guys said for management, but of they're agitated ill manage for pain as well as the usual stuff.
  7. Atrial fib with suggestion of left ventricular hypertrophy? The image is really weird on my screen, i cant see the grid lines
  8. Yep... went straight over the top of my head didn't it
  9. I interested, how is this statement supported?
  10. You do realise i am not working in the united states yeah??? I am very annoyed you made this about my supposed lack of morals, apparently this is reasonably deduced from 3 posts on an internet forum. When i read our conversation, i cant help but feel we are talking about 2 different patients and situations. I know what im trying to say but cant seem to get it across, i can picture it in my minds eye the situtations in which i have restrained people as a crutch of first resort, but when i read your reply i cant see in it what i was trying to show you? I guess my last defence i have is that in neasrly 6 years of ambulance i have applied restraints maybe 5 times. Perhaps my threshold for what constitutes a "hint" of violence is higher than yours? I dont know..... Based on this I can already see we are doomed to spin in circles saying he said she said, and i can argue against anything you have posted, but for the sake of avoiding an argument that neither will give in on, i am going to drop it Have a good day
  11. For goodness sake Iowa, you cant inject fact and logic into these discussions, its just not internet - like
  12. Its the way of the western world Doc. I had the same conversattion with a mate today. Everyones jumped on the "glorifying terrorists" bandwagon without reading it, and the article doesn't do that at all.
  13. Maybe people should go and read the aerticle then have a think about what the cover actually represents
  14. Yeah, would have been too easy
  15. Yeah, good point, certainly its not something that would be routinely done here, and to be honest im not sure if we as a body (as in the service i work for) are across WPW enough to diagnose it as often as we should. Ill let you know when i start my post grad though. Another thing that does not get talked about often is ruling out a previous heart transplant.
  16. No mate, i get, pitty some didnt'. He means a volunteer who is, say the driver but doesn't hold an EMT certification, but still volunteers.
  17. No man, i went around crash tackling 19 year old chicks at the bar Iv'e never been the same since i met you craig
  18. I would withold the narcan, its hard to tell across a couple of pages of text but i dont get the respiratory depressed of a narcotic OD from this, in any case, if im wrong and the IC guys decide to RSI her they would be able to maintain sedation post tube I will howevere reposition her head with a folded towel beneath her occiput and get her in a sniffing position and stop her snoring Alcholism and empty whisky bottles but no smell of alcohol, depressed CNS, im thinking maybe methanol / ethanol / glycol ingestion or something similar? Whats her resp rate, rhythm, effort/accessory muscle use, auscultation?
  19. Its like "you are what you eat" So im fast cheap and easy
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