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Posts posted by Curiosity

  1. Thanks for the reply Mike. Didn't have to be so mean. Yes, seriously, I've seen my friends walk out of meetings in tears, I know I wouldn't want to be in their position therefor you can guarantee, if I eff something up, I will not be admitting to it to any of my superiors...

    They are private meetings...exactly why people speculate about what happened...because we don't know what happened...who the hell are you to say I'm involved in gossiping. I am entitled to my own thoughts about what happened...I never said I talk to others about them...quite the opposit, I despise gossip.

    I have my opinions and experiences, and your making fun of them, I though you were better than that. You can guarantee this is my last post about these subject matters.

  2. If only one person has the problem then there isn't any need for a public educational program to mitigate any future issues. It's one person. Individual counseling should suffice. If more than one person has the problem then there's reason to suspect there's a systemic problem and futher evaluation and education is necessary.

    The problem with the system is you will rarely hear of anyone else making the same mistake. Instead of admiting they did the same thing, people learn how to cheat the system and simply not to get caught. Because these meetings are held in private, you're left to speculate about what took place in there. That leads people less inclined to admit they made a mistake and makes them better at covering things up and avoid these private meetings.

    You see a co worker walk out of the office crying because he/she documented an error and got spoken to. What insentive do you have to do the right thing next time you mess up? None, because you're scared of the reprimand that's coming. Ive always believed in learning from mistakes. I've said it many times on this forum, we're human, we mess up sometimes, we, induvidually may learn from these mistakes, but again, we're human, we learned not to bring them up for fear of the reprimand. We benefit, but no one else will, and the mistake will keep happening.

    If we got over the stigma of mistakes being an embarrassment and instead realize that it's part of the learning process, then we would be more open to publicly discussing them. I have no issues discussing my thought process and how I got to a final decision and have someone correct me and others see where and why I was wrong. I'm not embarrassed about it, I'm glad to have the input of others.

  3. My call came in as a seizure. 80yo man with a hx of epilepsy. His wife said he kept having these unusual seizures. His eyes would roll back and his arms would shake. We got to witness one of these "seizures", his wife pointed to him and said "there, hes doing it again!" He wasn't seizing, he was going into asystole, after a few compressions, he'd return to a rate of 30 and a bp of 120/80. It was one of the most insane things I've ever seen.

  4. A good story to relate: Picked up a gentleman today that needed to go to the big city hospital due to needing dialysis.

    It's snowing a blizzard and the roads are barely passable. 30 minutes from here & still an hour away from the big city hospital he decides to brady out & go into asystole. Pads on, paced and his eyes open up. Then he starts yelling about us zapping him.

    The good news is he was able to complain about the electrical therapy hurting him. Was touch & go for a few minutes.

    Beats the hell out of the alternatives.

    I've had the same thing happen. Brady, then asystole, start compressions and he starts swatting our hands off yelling that we're hurting him. We stop, he's back in asystole. Started pacing and sedated the guy. As far as I know, he's alive today. Crazy crazy thing to witness.

  5. I made a friend of mine read the first story out loud in a restaurant last weekend. So here's 4 of us sitting at a table, drunk, laughing so hard we're crying and gagging. Can't imagine what the other 50 people in the restaurant were thinking...

    And it's the third time I read the book and I still laugh my butt off.

    • Like 1
  6. +70 degrees

    Texans turn on the heat and unpack the thermal underwear.

    People in Canada go swimming in the Lakes.

    +60 degrees

    North Carolinians try to turn on the heat.

    People in Canada plant gardens.

    +50 degrees

    Californians shiver uncontrollably.

    People in Canada sunbathe.

    +40 degrees

    Italian & English cars won't start.

    People in Canada drive with the windows down.

    +32 degrees

    Distilled water freezes.

    Lake Superior's water gets thicker.

    +20 degrees

    Floridians don coats, thermal underwear, gloves, and woolly hats.

    People in Canada throw on a flannel shirt.

    +15 degrees

    Philadelphia landlords finally turn up the heat.

    People in Canada have the last cookout before it gets cold.

    0 degrees

    People in Miami all die...

    Canadians lick the flagpole.

    20 below

    Californians fly away to Mexico.

    People in Canada get out their winter coats.

    40 below

    Hollywood disintegrates.

    The Girl Scouts in Canada are selling cookies door to door.

    60 below

    Polar bears begin to evacuate the Arctic.

    Canadian Boy Scouts postpone "Winter Survival" classes until it gets cold enough.

    80 below

    Mt. St. Helens freezes.

    People in Canada rent some videos.

    100 below

    Santa Claus abandons the North Pole.

    Canadians get frustrated because they can't thaw the keg.

    297 below

    Microbial life no longer survives on dairy products.

    Cows in Canada complain about farmers with cold hands.

    460 below

    ALL atomic motion stops (absolute zero in the Kelvin scale).

    People in Canada start saying, "Eh, Cold 'nuff for ya?"

    500 below

    Hell freezes over.

    The Leafs win the Stanley Cup

    • Like 4
  7. I'm anxious to hear how people respond to this. I'm now the highest authority on scene and I know if someone questioned me, I would be thinking really really heard about what I'm about to do and why. We're human, we make mistakes. To completely ignore and dismiss your partner like that irresponsible, neglectful, and may have killed this patient!

    I don't know exactly how I would have handled that situation but I do know I would have pushed my partner more than that. I have to go home and sleep at night. Knowing I could have done more would kill me.

    • Like 1
  8. Rhabdo and acidosis causes hyperkalemia which can cause arrhythmias, sine waves...death

    Looking for signs of hyperkalmia on the ECG, tall tented T waves, sine waves, with a history of the potential for acidosis would be a good enough indication for me to want to give bicarb. I rather control a patients breathing than have to try to control an arrhythmia.

    I have heard of medical control being called for the placement if tourniquets before releasing the pressure from the extremities to stop the flow of blood to rush to the core.

    Bicarb would be indicated here under medical direction for me at 1meq/kg. maintenance of 0.25meq/kg/h.

    Fluid bolts, 0.9NS at 10mg/kg so not to overload the system.

    • Like 1
  9. I'm with Dwayne... Everyone is tossing out mandatory reporting.... the OP did this. She/he reported their suspicions to the ER doc and it sounds like s/he was going to talk to some LEO friends.

    I would be careful saying this to people. This is not enough in our service. We (all medics who were on the scene, attending and partner) are mandated by law to report to CPS directly. Telling the receiving facility, doctor, nurse, law enforcement isn't enough and can land our butts in a load if trouble should it come up later that everyone on scene did not each contact CPS directly.

    To the OP, I would have a look at your local protocols about reporting structures.

    • Like 1
  10. I also don't know too many doctors who would take a look and be able to immediately recognize what they were looking at.

    I think its a pretty good assumption that clear, white fluid in a vagina could be semen.

    Sorry but I am not buying this story. Too many inconsistentcies to me.

    This is a story I've seen over and over in the city I work at, there is absolutely nothing inconsistent with this posters story. We as paramedics at least here, have an obligation to mention our concerns regarding sexual abuse of a minor. There's nothing odd about discussing it with a nurse or doctor.

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