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Everything posted by runswithneedles

  1. Might have more hoops to jump through. But as stated with everyone else above. Consult the state ems department
  2. I didnt get to do a field tube (cant do them in the paramedic program im in. I did it in the OR. I did get to shove a combi tube in that guy after the failed ET attempt.
  3. It sells lots of copies and demeans a relatively pure profession.Hence the reason why reporters take the number two spot on my shit list after lawyers. With room for people to be excluded if they are well intentioned.. you asked for a hose monkey. I got one for you. http://lubbockonline.com/stories/051104/reg_051104056.shtml Kind of old I know. But its an oldie thats a goodie. This guy also went to federal prison shortly after for real estate fraud. it was right after using a leather S&M mask for a spit hood.
  4. I will admit though walraven sucks eggs explaining 12 Leads. For that you need to find a different book. But walraven is good for getting the basic understanding of the electrophysiology( I made a new word according to google chrome ) of each arrhythmia and how to identify it. bazinga
  5. It saddens me that this test is written by pencil pushers who havent seen the back of a box or a aircraft in 20 years. Correct me if im wrong. Thats scary. And quite insulting if thats true.
  6. after being in my paramedic program for two long semesters and completing the EMT before it. I have finally received my first cardiac arrest during a clinical. We were dispatched to a resp distress to find out the guy had OD'd on meth. Needless to say he didnt live and after the ordeal I was drenched in sweat and gagging from dry mouth, the smell of the vomit that shot out of a improperly placed ET tube, and doing chest compressions non stop for close to 10 minutes on this guy. For some reason i found it quite stress relieving to be pounding away at his chest. Is that normal?And along with that I felt no pity or compassion for this man because of the way he chose to leave this earth leaving behind two kids that watched us wheel him into the ambulance and drive away. Possibly witnessed him shoot up his last dose that did him in. Is that wrong of me? And the following thursday after I completed my first intubation on a moderately difficult woman. (also got to see her wake up and start moving on the OR table but thats a different story)
  7. displays prettyy sawtooth waves on your ECG. A-fib is just chaotic. Sometimes its hard to pick up a-fib if there's alot of artifact (i.e patient movement). Theirs a books called basic EKG interpretation if memory serves me right published by walraven thats simply amazing. I got nothing lower than a 90 on any of my cardiac exams and it was the book we used for our cardiology section of our class
  8. Having worked a year as a emt. My answer depends on whos my partner. Does he have the superiority paragod/firefighter complex that treats me worse than the grime on his boot. Or does he treat me with respect as a fellow healthcare colleague. Personally I prefer having an ALS just because it allows room for error if a transferring facility lies to dispatch about a patients condition and they need the medic or the patients condition deteriorates while enroute to pick him up.
  9. My mother had a run where a doc that she consistently had problems with at the ER who constantly was calling her service to complain about her (every time a BS reason that resulted no action being taken every time. )Well on this particular run she got the feeling that she was going to be called in by that pesky doc. So she purchased one of those stuffed monkey's that could be carried on her back and when she was called in (like clockwork) she put it on her back and walked into the supervisors office.
  10. doesnt diprivan do the same
  11. Ahh my iphone does that to me all the time. As a matter of fact their is a website dedicated to funny auto corrrects
  12. Armour all on the bench seats and captains chair is priceless as well
  13. Saweet. My best prank was a nasty rumor got out around the office saying I was fornicating on the couch in the main area. Well I found out who it was and when he came over one night I placed a recording on my iphone sally's fake orgasm from when harry met sally. blasted it as high as it would go right by my supervisors room and he came out guns blazing in boxers with steam coming out his ears. I had a friend of mine decide to use my tiger stethoscope cover as a grill ornament and posted it to my facebook
  14. Im going to assume you have an iphone? Am I correct welcome to the forums
  15. Wheres Richard? I believed he worked NYFD. He would know
  16. I do. It varies by facility the quality of the report and the distance travelled. If its grandma georgina going to nursing home I aint going to get squat except and ambulance necessity form, face sheet, and maybe a one paged H&P (if im lucky two) And nurses see us they scatter like cockroaches after flipping the lightswitch. I cant flag one down before they barricade themselves into the med room. X-D
  17. Yes he did. I had been on running on fumes the entire day and for one unknown reason or another that PCR set me off on a very inappropriate tirade which I later deemed unprofessional and needed to be removed. Im just sick and tired of getting reports that dont tell me squat of why the patient needs an ambulance, whats wrong with him. You know the simple stuff that I need to make sure my run gets thorugh billing without a hitch and I dont get called into the office. At that point I realized i was becoming a you know what so I decided to excuse myself so I could straighten myself out and get some sleep
  18. Nurses: Boast about getting paid more for the same length of time in school (two years for RN program) Because they get paid better they feel special Medics: think they are hot shit because they start an IV and not have a MD consistently breathing down their neck As a medic student who has worked with EMTP/RN's its our understanding that the paramedic knows more stuff as a whole. However the nurse has more in depth knowledge about her stuff. I Nurses-They think about what will get them out of the hospital with the least amount of deficiencies and maintaining quality of life. Paramedics- Think about how am I going to keep this patient alive long enough for us to get there and what can I do to improve his current condition
  19. Woops. Did I seriously write that?!?! Okay im done. Im becoming a bludgering idiot. Im heading to bed. *Note: Ive spoke with the Doc/resident several times on other patients. And his accent is freaking horrible. But hes taught me quite a bit.* I wasnt intending for criticizing. Just "taking the piss" I think is what its called. Sorry kiwi. That was embarrassing
  20. Most of the nurses know me here because of my paramedic clinicals and are happy to see me. But the ocassional one that gets my goat get to play jump through the miles of paperwork hoops and battery of pt related questions for me to take them. Have any of you guys consider food as being a plus in ems. All the time we are traveling to new places whether across the city, state, country, or world. Heck just yesterday took a guy to austin and on the way back we stopped to eat at a world renowned barbq joint. And i just about died and went to heaven.
  21. While reading through an H&P on a pt I transferred I came to the plan section and this is that the MD wrote The patient has been hospitalized and will be continued on IV antibiotics one more day, although, she is going to be discharged at this time. We will consider discharging her tomorrow What the hell is the doc doing. carrying on a argument with his alter ego in his report?
  22. Its fun to watch what leads up to the next morning. Especially if you get a camera and show what they did the night before (or who they did, sometimes thats what makes me say DAYUM!!!0_0) Im nuts. Im immune to mental breakdowns. My psychosis shields my sanity. :-D Back injury? This is why i'm in school to be a paramedic that way instead of doing BLS work im doing now(Basic lifting service) Ill be doing ALS work (Aint lifting shit). Because Ive jacked up my backed already. Im very careful and visit the chiropractor and exercise it accordingly STOP GETTING ME OFF MY dang paperwork and lemme finish it!!
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