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island emt

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Everything posted by island emt

  1. Not nearly as rare as you may think. Nor is it as old as you think. They were in common use in the late 60's early 70's I know where several of them are still in the original cases.
  2. unfortunately obesity is at an epidemic stage in this country. back in the day most two man stretchers were rated for 250-300 pounds max. Now they are all rated for 500 & many are rated for 750 pounds capacity. There are even 1000 lb bariatric gurneys on the market, along with ramps & winch systems to pull the whales into the back of the truck. Where we used to rarely see Pt's over 300 lbs they are becoming the norm and many Pt's are tipping the truck scales at 400-500 & even higher. Common sense is that if you encounter an obese Pt that needs to be moved and you and your partner cannot 100% guarantee the safety of both you, your partner & most importantly the Pt, then you should be calling for help. there is no set weight where this comes into play. A 250 pounder on the third floor and not able to use a tracked stairchair requires backup help. A 400 + pounder on ground floor should be an automatic help call as you still have to get onto stretcher and into the back of the ambulance. Unless they are at grade level with no stair/ steps involved and you have the powerlift stretcher. Try posing the question to your risk manager and see what the official company policy is. One career ending back injury can be way more expensive than sending a second crew for the lift assist. one dropped and injured Pt can bring a lawsuit costing the company millions. Unless you work for the empire """ then they don't care if you get hurt as long as you earn them revenue.
  3. unfortunately these types of cram courses tend to spend the majority of their limited time teaching you to pass the test, instead of teaching prehospital emergency medicine. This is similar to many of the for profit agencies that seem to be proliferating . In a recent class instructed by XXXX near here, out of 15 students entered 13 passed the course and 3 [ yes three ] managed to pass the national registry on the first try. These were not young school kids either. the majority of the students were in their 30's, & 40's , with several in their 50's. Several of them had been EMT's in the past & had some street experience in the past. Most of them commented on how much harder the course is now compared to in the past???????
  4. Hope you went to be decontaminated before coming back here. Winter Boots: The Winter Boots Anyone who has ever dressed a child will love this Did you hear about the teacher who was helping one of her pupils put on his boots? He asked for help and she could see why. Even with her pulling, and him pushing, the little boots still didn't want to go on. By the time they got the second boot on, she had worked up a sweat. She almost cried when the little boy said: "Teacher, they're on the wrong feet." She looked, and sure enough, they were. Unfortunately, it wasn't any easier pulling the boots off, than it was putting them on. She managed to keep her cool as, together, they worked to get the boots back on, this time on the correct feet. He then announced: "These aren't my boots." She bit her tongue, rather than get right in his face and scream: "Why didn't you say so?" like she wanted to. Once again, she struggled to help him pull the ill-fitting boots off his little feet. No sooner had they got the boots off when he said: "They're my brother's boots. But my Mom made me wear 'em today." Now she didn't know if she should laugh or cry. But she mustered up what grace and courage she had left to wrestle the boots BACK onto his feet again. Helping him into his coat, she asked: "Now, where are your mittens?" He said: " I stuffed 'em in the toes of my boots." She'll be eligible for parole in three years.
  5. Beware of the side zips. The boots are made that way and if the zipper messes up they are expensive to repair. A cobbler has to unstitch them and install new ones by restitching replacements in. Had a pair of them bought by the company and the zippers jammed up after just a few months wearing them. seems that they didn't like the winter salt , sand , & always getting wet. The front lace in zippers are a replacement for standard laces and can be replaced in about ten minutes,plus you can adjust them on how tight they are for a custom fit to your feet. they can be bought through any uniform shop .
  6. Then it's good that I kept a jar of giant Okinawa tree leeches from when I was stationed there.
  7. We could use leeches to bleed her pressure down a bit
  8. What Mike said Show up ready to go to work dressed professionally. No need for a full suit, but dress pants and button down shirt at a minimum with nice stury shoes or polished work type boots. did you see how the other employees were attired when you went for your interview? follow that lead and you will be good. You may also want to have some less business clothes in your car in case they want you to go through a lifting / carrying test .
  9. You are correct JT BLS refresher courses are around $275 here , ALS $375 at least the last time I taught one it was
  10. Another piece of info: The national registry is not a certifying or rule making organization. they are a test writing business, they gather data and sell it to outside organizations. They contract the actual testing to an outside contractor who runs the computerized testing sites. they collect money from memberships and use it for lobbying efforts to promote themselves. Yes the N/R is becoming required by more states in order to be licensed by that state to be an EMS provider as it tells the state the candidate has been able to be taught a similar set of knowledge to be able to pass a test written and supervised by the NR. This allows the state to pass off the test writing and administering cost to a third party contractor.
  11. Wasn't any snark involved. Just the facts The test is written to an 8th grade reading & comprehension level you do have to pay the testing fee no matter how many times you take it, You cannot retake the national registry exam 6 times. EMT-B is an entry level position.
  12. nope you are paying for the testing center again no matter how many times you need to take a test written at a 8th grade level in order to get an entry level job. you had better reread the rules. you do not get six tries to pass the test.
  13. Dwayne has either been eaten by the papua pygmies or Babs has him tied up in the bedroom closet incommunicado. Been trying to get a response from him since the holidays Would also suggest a vacation trip to check it out in person, so you can see for your self.
  14. I have been a member here and at the village since both started . Both have seen markedly less traffic in the past couple years as facebook, twitter and all the other instant messaging types of social interaction sites seem to be the choice of the younger crowds with their smart phones. It is all about instant gratification to the gen xers and beyond. I just a few months ago got a digital cell phone, [ Iphone 5 ] which is the first time on almost ten years since they did away with analog service and my old bag phone no longer worked. Up until a couple months ago I had never texted or even cared to. My wife & I use the I message to talk while we are at work. other than that it doesn't get used much. Today it seems like every 8 year old and up has a smart phone and spend the majority of their time using it endlessly. I've even seen people sitting at the same restaurant table texting each other rather than having a conversation. Parents texting their kids while in the same store and so on. Is there any hope for the future generations????????
  15. you might be surprised to find that denver is not much different than EBR in some areas. except higher.
  16. who's the hottie redhead ?????? must be a medtronic drone
  17. At 71 he shouldn't be shoveling snow. How much snow & for how long? Is he having muscular contractions or spasms in his neck or shoulders? how are the tendons in his neck soft & pliable or taut? My gut is going with muscoskeletal strain , but to be sure I think further checking is needed. How deep is the burn? 2nd or 3rd degree? sounds like she nuked the rice bag and didn't test it to see how hot it was before wrapping it on his neck. I had a good friend who thought she could shovel 5 inches of heavy wet snow off her flat roof. She ended up with a slipped disc C-4/C-5 and is still in pain 2 months later with partial impingement of the spinal cord, partial loss of function of her right arm with numbness & tingling. surgeons want to operate to relieve the pressure to the cord.
  18. what physical activity was he doing the day or two before the pain started? where specifically is the pain centered ? structural or muscular? any vision or speech issues? as always vitals and full exam
  19. Thoughts about getting older Wouldn't it be great if we could put ourselves in the dryer for ten minutes; come out wrinkle-free and three sizes smaller! Last year I joined a support group for procrastinators. We haven't met yet! I don't trip over things, I do random gravity checks! I don't need anger management. I need people to stop pissing me off! Old age is coming at a really bad time! When I was a child I thought Nap Time was a punishment ... now, as a grown up, it just feels like a small vacation! The biggest lie I tell myself is ... "I don't need to write that down, I'll remember it." Lord grant me the strength to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can & the friends to post my bail when I finally snap! I don't have gray hair. I have "wisdom highlights". I'm just very wise. My people skills are just fine. It's my tolerance for idiots that needs work. Teach your daughter how to shoot, because a restraining order is just a piece of paper. If God wanted me to touch my toes, he would've put them on my knees. The kids text me "plz" which is shorter than please. I text back "no" which is shorter than "yes". I'm going to retire and live off of my savings. Not sure what I'll do that second month. When did it change from "We the people" to "screw the people"? I've lost my mind and I'm pretty sure my wife took it! Even duct tape can't fix stupid ... but it can muffle the sound! Why do I have to press one for English when you're just gonna transfer me to someone I can't understand anyway? Of course I talk to myself, sometimes I need expert advice. Oops! Did I roll my eyes out loud? At my age "Getting lucky" means walking into a room and remembering what I came in there for. Chocolate comes from cocoa which is a tree ... that makes it a plant which means ... chocolate is Salad !!!
  20. Don't feel bad Doc: We all get old someday/ doesn't mean we have to grow up Congrats on getting your first EMS job young Padawan. now it's time to start learning and learning to listen.
  21. If they weren't interested in hiring you, they would most likely tell you at the end of the interview process. hiring takes many more steps behind the scenes background records check and NCIC checks can get backed up and take a day or two to get results back from the state & federal governments. Take a deep breath and wait paitently
  22. only used the thomas pack Iron duck also makes some nice pack type bags
  23. Here's wishing you ALL a happy and safe new year. May 2015 be prosperous for you and may your wallet be fatter, your waistline smaller and you family happier.
  24. island emt


    Congrats LOCO I retired exactly 1 year ago at the stroke of midnight after 40+ years in the EMS field. I have had a very enjoyable year and can honestly say that while I miss some of my elderly patients , I don't miss the lousy hours, disturbed sleep and the endless bureaucratic BS & paperwork that it took to run a service. enjoy a little time off and unwind before going on to your next venture in life.
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