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Everything posted by medik8

  1. :roll: Wow.....guys....if u need me, I'll be taking my nap due to mental exhaustion... There were good points made here....everywhere.... Personally, I'm claustrophobic as hell on one of those things, and unless you can pretty much assure me my back is broken, you are NOT going to board me.....plain and simple. I know that sounds stupid....but tis the way it is with moi. In addition, like I'm sure all of you can say as well, I have had patients (like I would be) absolutely refuse to be boarded. Some of them had back problems already (when I thought the boarding was most important), some absolutely refused to lay flat with all that garb on because they felt out of control and too confined (again like myself)... I've had to talk a few into it because it was for their own good, and at least a few times, fractures were proven later and was glad we decided on the board. But, have upset some, as well, by advising that the board was the right thing to do, only to get to the ER and then watching the doc remove it right before my eyes without any x-rays or confirmation of injury (which really pissed me off) :x . Let me think on this one for a bit...
  2. Was that "dict" tape or duct tape? lol. Cuz I only use "dict" tape. How'd u know? Ummm...yeah. I'm guilty. I love playing with all strange objects. It's a fetish of mine. Especially "dict" tape. You should see what you can do with that. Any volunteers? :shock: The person below me has a strange fetish of driving their car naked, and talking on the portable house phone will driving, pretending it is a cell phone because they really don't have one yet.
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