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Status Replies posted by FireMedicChick164

  1. OK I officially have "tremor envy" I didn't feel anything damn it. Well at least I have a Hurricane heading my way =) Should be a good duty weekend for me, my first 48 since I came off medical leave =) BTW anyone else have REM stuck in their heads??? Starts with an earthquake... eye of a hurricane... yup I feel fine LOL

    1. FireMedicChick164


      may have to play that very loudly this weekend!!

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  2. It surprises me how many people are ignorant to what being an EMT entails. I told a friend yesterday I was an EMT and she didn't even know what it was. And even then I had to explain that we don't JUST drive the ambulance... oi. *shakes head*

    1. FireMedicChick164


      people outside the business can be ignorant...that's why we have to teach them. :)

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  3. Home from my surgery, took longer than they had hoped and had a lot more damage than they had expected, but glad to be home

  4. First day of paramedic school tomorrow...super nervous but really excited to get started!

  5. Another long and boring night shift at the mine site almost done!

    1. FireMedicChick164


      we generally will see 3-4 people a week for actual injuries or illness. mostly we have people coming in for tylenol for headaches and stuff. We have a bunch of different OTC meds we can dispense as well as our usual stuff as medics

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  6. Another long and boring night shift at the mine site almost done!

    1. FireMedicChick164


      I'm in occupational medicine as well. I work on construction sites as a medic

    2. (See 3 other replies to this status update)

  7. Tomorrow a 24hr shift is awaiting me, and starting with monday night (after I come monday morning off work) another three night shifts... and I feel already sleepy! ;)

    1. FireMedicChick164


      sounds like my schedule! i am on vacation until wednesday...sleeping at nite is gonna completely throw me off!

    2. (See 1 other reply to this status update)

  8. off for a root canal ahhhh thank you to who ever invented adivan :)

  9. off for a root canal ahhhh thank you to who ever invented adivan :)

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