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  • Location
    Perth, Western Australia
  • Interests
    no real attention span was giving to me at birth, too many interests to list

Medic_God's Achievements


Newbie (1/14)



  1. I just have to say that I love the sprinters. They rock!!!
  2. Where I am you do an 18 month course just to get to BSL level, then you do another 3 year uni-course to get to Paramedic (after around 2-3 years of on the job training), then you can go and do Critical Care which is another 2-3 years. So I don't really think that a 2 year course to get to Paramedic is too harsh. Besides, all the education in the world only helps you to learn when you get into the field. I mean, I'm still learning new things each and every day. Here endeth the lesson!
  3. The service that I am with uses a Powerheart g# Pro with Pads. I actually preffer them as there are less things for some idiot to try and steal. Haven't had to use paddles for at least 2 years.
  4. So, so true. I have often been called a mean bastard. I take it with a measure of pride!
  5. And my personal favourite to see in a deceased patients notes is: ART -Asuming Room Temperature Actually found a nurse that wrote this in a patients notes, as you can immagine she was sacked for this. I later found out that she always used things like ART to shorten her paperload...and her career!
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