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    Chicago, IL

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. if you were in her shoes, would you want to stay alive? you cant talk, you cant eat, you cant drink, you cant move. all you do is lie in bed, all day long, all week, all year, every year. I say, even if she isnt brain dead, then she has been living in HELL for the past 15 years. How would you like to be on your back, cant talk, cant eat, for 15 years?
  2. the woman has nothing left though, she is brain dead and has been for the past 10 years. would you want to live that way?
  3. new studies are showing that ems providers that go out for a drink and talk with friends, not necessarily ems involved people, is just as effective as other things. they also say drinking should be in moderation, but ive always found its much more fun to get hammered. dont remember where I heard that
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