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  1. You cried when you moved to Michigan because that meant McGuyver came on an hour later and your parents wouldn't let you stay up to watch it! And you still know 99 ways to work fishing line, gum, a pocket knife, and some dry ice to your advantage. : )
  2. Labor laws prevent medical residents from working more than 80 hours per 7 day week, and, I believe have also capped the length of time they are "on" at 36 hours before they need to go home and rest for at least 8 or 12 hours. EMTs and other healthcare workers are every bit as important as medical residents when it comes to preventing fatigue. Tired people=people that make mistakes and harm patients. "Back in the old days we did it this way" is no excuse to make you do it this way now, especially when we know the harm that being tired can cause.
  3. Life is too short to waste time having a forum fight with others once you've stated your point more than twice. That said, if you have strong convictions regarding any issue (and I totally agree with you on this issue), keep working on it. It would be a shame to lose EMTs to psychotic patients that found a more dangerous weapon than a fist.
  4. 2 full time paid ff/ems; the rest of us volunteer. Town of 8000 and outlying areas.
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