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Everything posted by Don1977

  1. wow, i was just kidding too......
  2. Cant be no worse then a 14 yr old doing ride alongs and nosing in OR's and ER's........
  3. i have an O2 key i put on my belt on a keychain, I never lose it.....sounds like lack of responsilibilty
  4. welcome to "days of our lives"...I mean EMTcity....
  5. I never use my multitool to crack the oxygen open, thats what the oygen wrench/key is for..... i have used it for the screw driver and a door wedge/stop. we all said "tool"....
  6. I got my costume, its real scary and Ill have it on tonight.... looks like some guy that lives in GA, and calls himself Lone Star.......anyone know him, man its a scary costume....
  7. True.... and what the hell is a kelly shift??????
  8. Is that all????? Hell thats a nickel more then I make as a basic.....I have seen a small service here start medics at $10 an hour.
  9. Actually, yes I have had many nurses sit there and file there nails or talk to there baby daddies while one of there patients is in respiratory distress. I have ahad a patient where the pt's roomate gave me a more thorough report then the nurse. Then when youa sk for report you get the "Im not from this floor" or "I dont know the patient" excuse.
  10. Saw this funny presidential video...
  11. I know the song not to use to do CPR with........"Another one bites a dust" but really, thats the last thing on my mind when working an arrest is a song to do it too.......... :roll:
  12. I honestly hate when a nurse or family member says "they going to be ok"? Um, well dumbass, if they were ok, would they be going to hospital?????
  13. Really? I thought that was how medics dressed.....
  14. They do that here, puting patients in the hallway beds cause more crowding, you can hardly get around the halls, its a disgrace I believe. I have had patients that have gotten worse sitting in hallways.
  15. You could always tape your mouth shut..........
  16. If its that bad for you, maybe its time for another job..... :roll:
  17. My company have 8 and 12 hour shifts, I feel there is no reason for a nap during these times, Why would you need one???????
  18. I hate that word "full arrest", never seen a half arrest before...burns my ass and ECHO says it alot kinda like Dust and "firemonkeys"....
  19. I cannot stand Penn State, Id rather listen to ECHO play with Hot Wheels all night then watch a PSU game.
  20. Damn it, my picture is public again.......
  21. Not a partner but have thrown a few Nursing home nurses out of the room......
  22. Ill take the flowers, itt will cheer Jess up.......
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