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  1. HK is great, I went to HSS about a year and a half ago and me and some other members of my department did not have a good experience. We basically ended up teaching a couple of the sections on airways and moving patients. We provided most of the equipment, red guns and medical equipment. I hope the program has gotten better. They definitely had some quality people working for them but the program at that time seemed very unorganized. HK in contrast is very well organized and equipped. Yes it is a lot of money but the instruction is well worth it as well as getting some trigger time.
  2. Thanks. I have spoken with Wren the program director he seems very sharp. I just like to do my homework before I drop $1000.
  3. I don't know what type of system you operate in but a subject that is always interesting is tactical medicine. School shooting situations or other similar operations. The local police agency can be involved as well.
  4. The most common way that I have used in report writing is state how you found the patient, their chief complaint and any pertinent negatives such as no SOB or no chest pain, no pedal edema or JVD. then state history allergies and meds. then any interventions you did and their results. we have check boxes for most of the other info including EKG, pupils, lung sounds and skin signs. As far as orders or "Telemetry" goes I usually write them above the perforation on the form so I don't forget, then I document them on the form as I administer the drug or other therapy. Hope that's what you needed.....
  5. Has anyone been through Cypress Creek's Tactical class in Texas? I have attended others such as HK and HSS and I'm am curious if their program is solid.
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