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    Bartender, EMS Student

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  1. I'm taking a hybrid course (self taught, skills assessments in class) and I like the self-pacing and learning, but still would prefer to practice these skills as I'm reading about them as opposed to mentally running through them. EMS courses I'm taking are con-ed, and I imagine most of them at a CC would be -- no credits to go towards anything, they're for skills practice and learning new techniques. The school I went with has a solid track record for training EMS personnel in Wake County, and trains from Basic up to Paramedic. There isn't any transferring. Finish a level, put in your hours, take the next one.
  2. Exactly. I was under the impression that this is how a call would go. As a Basic, I know I can at least suction (unless, you know, me being a worthless basic means you think I'm just gonna carry your shit...). I know what I can and can't, should and shouldn't do. If we've worked together, you know what you can trust me to do and that I won't do anything I don't think I can. You know you can do the serious stuff and when you're done, I'll be done. We're a team. I thought. This topic makes me question this, and I'm now left wondering how many partners are going to attempt to lord their position over me in an attempt to sate some superiority complex.
  3. I harbor no illusions of "saving" someone with five years of experience over me , especially when it comes to rending someone from the jaws of death. Do your thing man, I'm hear to learn and prep. Instead I focus on how many times I can get my partner, in any job or activity, to say, "oh, I didn't know you knew how to do that yet, thanks for seeing I'd need it ten minutes before I did."
  4. Guessing "B." I would highly recommend researching how to actually take a test. Context clues can very often lead you toward the correct answer, if you can understand how to parse the wording of questions and answers. For example, answers with "most," "many of," and "typically" tend to more often be correct when other answer's operatein the definitive (always, every, all). It may not be the best way to pass, but assuming you've diligently studied I don't think you would be doing anything "wrong." It's definitely how I plan to pass the exam, where knowledge gained fails. I hope the third time is the charm! Lack of faith in yourself is a dangerous things, know you'll pass next time!
  5. Wahey! I just found this website while researching the efficacy of left lateral recumbent on patient outcomes. Book kept saying "left lateral recumbent" and I kept saying, "that sounds awfully simplified." I was right. First, let me thank you guys ahead of time for putting up with my questions and general snark. I promise it's all in good fun. I have to say, I'm excited as all hell to work my way up the EMS ladder! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some topics to search for.
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