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Everything posted by inquisimedic

  1. Agreed. This was definitely a terrible situation for all involved. The firefighters would have had plenty of tools for freeing the woman from entanglement, however with the amount of voltage running through it any responder that tried to get the woman would be severely injured at the very least. Like island emt said, the only people who carry the necessary equipment to deal with a live wire are utility companies. In a situation with any downed wires emergency responders are trained to back away, call the utility company and wait for them to turn the power off.
  2. Hey Everyone! I'm starting medic school in January and I just joined the forums here at EMT City. I'm looking forward to having a place to connect with medic students and a place to bounce ideas off and ask questions while I'm in school (and beyond). Seems like there is a lot of experience behind these forums. I'm excited to get started. inquisimedic
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