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Just Plain Ruff

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Everything posted by Just Plain Ruff

  1. And I'll bet most of the only times anyone really looks at it is when they think the patient is a drug seeker. Am I right?
  2. Yep, sounds like they kidnapped her. But again, this is a news story so I'm sure we are just getting only a fractoin of the story but the story was pretty thorough in the reading of it though that I could gather.
  3. Consider the source, no offense but honestly, I can't understand half of what he's saying half the bloody time.
  4. I think you might have hit the wrong site. Galt's Gulch is a community of people who sort of live off the grid and can be either as much a part of the Gulch community or as little a part of it as they want. What link did you go to? Did you go to this one below? http://galtsgulchchile.com/ I was thinking in my little piece of paradise that it would be a community of friends as well as EMS providers (as they make pretty good neighbors depending upon the provider) and if there was enough land I purchased, I would offer 10 acre farmsteads where you had access to the grid but you could also live off it completely. Sort of a little piece of paradise with as little outside influence as possible. Unfortunately I need a lot of money and I don't have it so it must, alas remain a dream.
  5. Hey Squint - Check out Galt's Gulch in Chile. They have sort of done this. It's down in Chile. I'm thinking of eventually buying in down there or doing the same. Land in those places are pretty cheap and if you get the right places you can do it completely right.
  6. Yeah, that's always the 64000 question, nice to see the light pop on in the patient's head when they know they've been caught. But like you said, there's one way to get around it, pay cash but who has enough cash to pay for 120 perc's or 60 dilaudids? I sure as heck don't.
  7. I may have misspoke the eprescribe part, now that I remember, the last Urgent care visit I went to I left with a paper script for narcotic cough syrup so I was wrong at least for the state of missouri. I don't have personal info and knowledge of Maryland yet though. Is anyone familiar with the vending machine style prescription machines that when the provider writes the medications to go home orders that the vending machine right outside the ER will have their prescription ready for them if it's in the system. I was at a hosptial in nebraska that had this system and they said that the system did have several narcotics that were dispensed directly to the patient via this machine, norco being one of them. The nurses said that the machine dispensed up to 30 pills in a pre-packaged bottle to patients. Thoughts on this?
  8. Or it might just be torticollis or plain ole neckpain.
  9. I say that from here on out, we bring all our problems to Mikeymedic, I mean he did put manager in his profile, so he's management so we can go vent and bitch all the while to him. I mean he has all the answers and by the tone of most of his posts to us menial staff, he's the smartest guy around.
  10. The only reason why an online checklist is preferable over a paper form is that it can be saved forever and you don't have to worry about the file cabinet space needed for paper forms. I too work in IT and I can only see that as the real benefit. But remember, you will also have the hardware and infrastructure built already to accomodate the online form. Are you looking to include them in your toughbooks or other computers that your system already uses or are you looking to purchase all that stuff new out of the box?
  11. Kiwi, the reason why every second person has chronic pain of some sort and is on narcs is that they are so easy to get. I can walk into any urgent care clinic in the US and probably walk out after giving them some sob story about having chronic back pain or sciatic pain with a script for at least Norco. it's just too easy. And with E-prescribe, it's even easier now, all the prescriber has to do is hit a couple of mouse clicks and bam, whammo, script for you sir.
  12. First off, I would initially refuse to pay the bill until I had all the required info. I'd want to see the supposed "The company mentions, "We follow state and federal laws and regulations on how and when we transport people,” information. Second, I'd be contacting my attorney for this, I'm wondering which attorney out of the thousands of attorneys in the entire country would want to take this case? I'm sure that there are at least 97% that woudl take this case And third, I'd be really really pissed.
  13. Someone is going to get in trouble http://www.azcentral.com/business/call12foraction/articles/20131116air-evac-patient-transport-protests-call12.html?fb_action_ids=10201836308263796&fb_action_types=og.recommends&fb_source=other_multiline&action_object_map=%7B%2210201836308263796%22%3A210789485770343%7D&action_type_map=%7B%2210201836308263796%22%3A%22og.recommends%22%7D&action_ref_map=%5B%5D Sounds like a big huge lawsuit coming down the pike.
  14. I didn't realize that being a transvestite made someone gay!!!! I have one friend at one of my previous work places who is transgendered and he's straight, just considers himself a woman. I also didn't realize that someone who looks like a man who is really a woman is automatically gay. Your statement is very arrogant.
  15. That's what it was. Either way, we got shafted. I tried my darndest to get something to get the money paid out but our medical bills just weren't that high that year. Lesson learned.
  16. Let me check with my harrier fuel, I wonder if that stuff is any better?
  17. I've had that option before. I find that I am terrible at being a psychic at determining how much I need to put out of my check per year to pay for medical. If I put too little then I have to come up with out of pocket. If I put too much in and don't have the documentation to prove that I spent all the money in the HSA then the company get's to keep the amount over what I didn't spend. I find that to be SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO Freaking wrong that it has put me completely off of contributing to a hsa for any time in the near future. two years ago I put away about 2500 or so. I didn't spend nearly that much and could not prove that I spent that much. My employer or the government got a nice hefty bonus. That pissed me off so for the wary, be careful, just put enough in that you don't get fucked like we did.
  18. You mean it's not? I can't think of a better high!!!!
  19. But Doc, you see the reality of this entire thing and most everyone else is just seeing the emotional side of things. I have so many friends who are so viscerally against anything that Obama and the democrats or whoever they are against puts out there that even the good parts of this law are not good enough for them so they want to get rid of the entire thing. To get rid of the entire thing will mean that every person who was on their parents plan and was going to lose coverage and then got coverage until they are 26 will quickly be dropped if this law is repealed. Those with pre-existing conditions who are slated to be covered in 2014 will be uncoverable again and quite a few other things that will not come to pass if this law is repealed. And if you think that people are pissed now, just wait till those get kicked off their insurance if it's repealed, you haven't seen anything yet. So unfortunately, OBAMACARE isn't going anywhere soon. There IS NOT A SINGLE alternative out there that is ready to go guys, nothing nada nothing not a single plan. If there is and it's ready to go, I will personally kiss Michelle Obama on the lips in the white house steps in broad daylight with CNN and Al Jazeera present for all to see. But there just isn't.
  20. this is the worst drug to come to the streets in years. I hope to never see it in a patient EVER.
  21. Richard, they say they have an alternative but I would bet my removed stomach after the bariatric surgery that they don't have a damn thing to replace it with and they want to go back to status quo pre-ACA.
  22. A little more on my insurance. I have a deductible but I'm not completely sure what that number is because if I use my in network providers(and there is no in-network provider that is not more than 30 minutes from my house) then I do not have to touch my deductible. I only touch my deductible if I go out of network. It's the University of Maryland Medical System health plan and every one of their doctors that work or are associated with the hospital are on the plan. So I just pay a co-pay of 15-30 dollars and the rest of the visit no matter how much it costs is covered. I am slated to go through the bariatric surgery in about 9 months from now and if I do all that is required of me then the insurance will pay for the entire thing and I'm only left with the copay of 100.00 I pay 250 a pay period for this insurance. My out of pocket is 10000 but as long as I stay in network I won't have to meet that either. It's only when I go out of network that I start to have to pay the deductible and the out of pocket. to say that we are happy with the insurance is an understatement but I'm very worried about when the employer mandate kicks in which it will in the next year or so. From all that I'm reading, no employer plan is safe. But For every one article that says that your employer plan is safe under the employer mandate, there are two articles that say that your employer plan will not be safe. Only time will tell.
  23. If I cannot tell I ask it this way, "please don't take offense, but are you a guy or a girl" That usually does it. Either the patient gets pissed or they understand. Many pt's who its hard to tell often understand.
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