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  1. I work for AMR in Lancaster/Palmdale and we have something like 4 or 5 of those lights. We dont have many center medians here so when people dont move we can just oppose. I do love the cameras, gotta pose and say cheese. While on the subject of drivers, when people see an ambulance in there rearview mirror why is it they panic like its armagedon? They just cold stop in the middle of the road or pull to the left and not the right......Ill never understand it. But I had a officer follow me the other day and gave a ticket to a dummy that stopped in the middle of the road instead of pulling to the right. Awww gotta love it.
  2. I was an FTO at my last company and had to fail 2 girls for being cement heads. During training practice one girl wanted to move the pt with a suspected spinal injury to the back board by moving him head and toe. Basically bending the pt spine. Amongst other reasons I falled her twice and she was fired.......its not a hard job but some are just cement heads.
  3. Next time your with a new guy like that before the shift tell him what you expect. I mean he is new you already have the job he is the one on probabtion and has to make an impression.
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